Peter and the Starcatcher
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
Scenic Design by Regina Garcia

The giant curved ramp central to the design was referred to as the "pike". Steel framing to create the foundation of the curve was based on a core framing design seen here. CNC'd plywood curves were attached to the faceted curve of the steel framing to create a smooth attachment surface for a double-layer of bendy ply.

The pike was broken into wagons and headers for trucking - only two vertical seams were used for changeovers. Curved ladders were inset into the pike's curved surface and used often by cast members.

One of four pike wagons seen here.

The same wagon, with cladding instructions.

One of three headers seen here.

The same header, with cladding instructions.

A stock spiral stair unit was integrated into the design.

Two sets of double-doors were part of the pike. They were installed with quick-release spring hinges for removal at intermission.